多样性、股票, 包容 & 访问


网赌的十大网站社区致力于多样性, respect for all races, 种族, 性别, identities and abilities, and access to an affordable education. 我们的多元化、公平、包容和准入努力植根于我们的 Strategic Action Plan and are essential to our institutional direction.

Our 多样性、股票, 包容 & 准入倡议包括将公平嵌入我们所有大学运作的宏观倡议, and focused initiatives that support the 保留, 赋予未被充分代表的学生和员工权力并使其茁壮成长.

RWU Affirms Our Commitment to Building a Diverse Community

President Ioannis Miaoulis shares a message to the RWU community on the Supreme Court's decision on race-conscious college admissions.

Racism Stops with Me Graphic

Racism Stops with Me

“种族主义与我停止”是一项全校范围的反种族主义运动,旨在展示我们高层领导的全部承诺, our 教师 and 工作人员, 以及我们的学生学习和参与反种族主义活动,并在校园内支持我们的BIPOC社区成员.

Explore The Campaign

Focused Initiatives


The Intercultural Center

“It’s a really cool place to hang out, 而且有很多机会可以建立联系,找到有用的资源.” -阿曼达DaCruz, International Relations Major


“It’s knowing that you share something in common. 这是一种安慰的感觉,这种感觉远远超过了我们的骄傲周.” - 格雷森斯坎伦, Architecture and Computer Science Major

International Experience


A diverse group of students on RWU campus

Student 访问, Success and Equity

RWU将被称为支持访问的人口多样化机构, 在所有关键的成功指标上取得公平的结果,并支持服务不足的学生.

Intercultural Leadership Ambassador Program

Living Learning Communities

Student 访问ibility Services

Women's Recognition Ceremony

Employee 访问, Success and Equity

罗杰威廉姆斯大学将成为一个以成功招聘而闻名的组织, developing and advancing members of minoritized groups. 除了, 它将成为接受该机构雄心勃勃的多样性的人才的首选雇主, equity and inclusion goals and objectives.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Retain-Grow-Advance Leadership Academy

Unconscious Bias Training for 搜索 Process


Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations

罗杰·威廉姆斯将创造一个致力于包容的校园氛围, 公平与尊重, 使社区成员茁壮成长,体验真正的归属感.

校友 of Color Network

Bias Incident Response


Clubs and Organizations

First Generation Day

Racism Stops with Me


Students from the Black Living Learning Community

Education, Scholarship and Service

RWU将被称为一个不辜负其教育必要性的机构,以中断历史上根深蒂固的不平等和不公正, legacies and structures of oppression, 权力, 以及通过提供课程而获得的高等教育特权, 在多元文化的世界中促进变革和有效、积极互动的课程和教学策略, global and interdependent.

Diversity and 包容 Fellowship


Orientation DEI Course

法学院 Required Course on Race and the Law

教师 and 工作人员 planning infrastructure development

Infrastructure and Leadership

RWU will deepen the university’s advancement of diversity, 通过改变企业文化,努力实现公平和包容, leadership practices, leadership composition and institutional polices and systems.

